Being the driver and the gunner can get a bit much when in the thick of the action. Fulfilling all of the roles at once is a challenge. I don’t think that Tank Crew is designed with single player in mind though.

When driving around ‘buttoned up’ it can be a pretty tight fit. For one thing, it supports VR and has a full interior in the tank. I have to say that it is a big step up over DCS World’s Combined Arms. So far I have only been able to test out the Tiger Tank. You do have to get used to the fact the 50% of your aircraft throttle is 0% in the tank, anything behind that is reverse. Once you have the controls set up it’s actually pretty straight forward to control a tank. I tried using the HOTAS throttle as the control for the power, but this was no better as the centre point was the differentiation between reverse and forward gears. One last thing on the controls, it would be good if there was a way to control the power with one rudder pedal and the brakes with another, but this does not seem to work the throttle is also the brake, so if you have your heel on the floor you will be going backwards. I hoped that this would come with time and it did, the Tank Controls have their own section and it’s become much easier to sort out.

At the time I thought it would make far more sense to have the tank commands in their own section for ease of access. Initially, when it came to Tank Crew you still had to search through the Aircraft controls to find the odd tank command scattered among the entries. As well as this somethings that have been able to be assigned to an Axis for quite some time, in terms of the whole IL2 series, no longer can be assigned to an axis – for example, Elevator Trim! In some instances, such as elevator trim, this is handy as some of the aircraft have different names for what is, essentially, the same thing. Compared to DCS World it is overly difficult to find the control that you are looking for and you can have multiple commands assigned to one button. Setting up the controls is not really straight forward. This is something that bugs me with IL2 Great Battles as a whole really. So, after much back and forth I decided that I’d stick with World War Two for the time being, although World War One flight sounds fascinating so I will be trying that out too! Where to start? Controls: IL2 Great Battle series has seen some changes in the time since I have been away and I had to make a choice, World War One aviation or World War Two tanks… Things are finally beginning to get a bit more settled so hopefully I can get back to writing properly about simming, one way or another! I’ve got a new job and loads has been going on. I’m really sorry that this has been delayed for so long, there has been some massive upheaval in my home life and I’m now split from my wife and living in a new town.